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Not Being A Mother In Your 30s Makes You Alien!

By Robyn, Founder of The Collection By Robyn Moore

Discovering cultures that are different to what I’ve always known, vibrant places that introduce me to new visions & sounds, delicacy’s your taste buds are yet to encounter and meeting people who inspire you in so many ways are just some of the reasons I choose to spend my life travelling as much as possible.

As a 34 year old woman who craves the adventure of conquering every country our planet has to offer, rather than having a family can be tricky to explain to a society that encourages us to be mothers.

I can sometimes feel overwhelmed, pressured and alien. Those unhealthy feelings, however disappear when a trip is planned and underway. They slowly turn into to an acknowledgement deep in my soul of why I seek the experiences that come with leaving your home town, and everything you’ve always known.

The adrenaline that runs through my body, the freedom I feel in my heart makes all of the choices I’ve made so clear to me. A feeling of content, a knowing that this is your right road and feeling so alive. This feeling my partner describes as ‘Holiday Robyn’ because it’s when I’m at my happiest.

So, how has my choice for travel helped me become an entrepreneur?

The hair industry has unique trends in every culture. Book in for a hair service in a different country and you learn new terminology, exciting products & ingredients and techniques we don’t share, yet!

The Collection By Robyn Moore was established two years ago and I’ve bought all of my knowledge from not just my 16 year’s experience in the hair industry but the understanding of how the industry works all over the world and I’ve put it into the hair care range.

It’s evident to see from the branding on our socials that travel is a key factor to the ideas that go into every product of the range. It’s important to me that The Collection By Robyn Moore is diverse and wouldn’t look out of place in any salon from around the world.

My latest creation is about to drop and I’m really excited to be amongst some of the first hair care ranges in the UK to use this miracle beauty ingredient. Discovered in Germany and completely ethically and sustainably sourced. The natural ingredients is a breakthrough in our industry and has so many benefits for the body, skin & hair.

The magical ingredient is AlgaPūr: an oil derived from micro algae that was originally sourced from the sap of a chestnut tree.

Introducing THE GLOW UP range which consists of a shampoo, conditioner & weekly treatment. All products contain high amounts of the AlgaPūr which is proven to protect and repair hair from UV damage, repair split ends, increase shine and hydration to every strand of hair & increases your hair’s natural glow (hence the name GLOW UP).

The natural ingredient is produced through fermentation and is readily biodegradable. It also has a low environmental footprint in water, carbon and land use.

The three products will be added to the range from mid August. Available for  Pre-Order now.

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